19.5 CrossFit Open Workout Strategy Guide

The 2019 CrossFit Open is here! This week marks the final week of the 2019 Open and our final Open WOD guide.

We broke down each workout offering strategies to help you maximize your score. Here are our 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 guides.

If you’re new to CrossFit, the CrossFit Open is the annual online competition that is the first step for qualifying for the 2019 CrossFit Games (at least, for one more year—it’ll change in 2020).

Athletes must complete each of the 5 workouts between Thursday evening and Monday night.

You can learn more about the CrossFit Open and CrossFit games here.

Before you dive in, check out this guide from 2018’s open on 4 Tips To Dominate The CrossFit Open.

Being fit will help you score high, but the right mindset and smart planning will make the difference. Here we go!

What is the CrossFit Open 19.5 Workout?

CrossFit Open Games

33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of:

95-lb. Thrusters

Chest-to-bar pull-ups

20 minute time cap

CrossFit Open 19.5 Movement Standards

CF Open 2019

Here are the movement standards for the fifth and final workout of the 2019 CrossFit Open.

The workout is only two movements but take special note of the depth and lockout requirements for thrusters and height requirements for chest-to-bar pull-ups.

You must clear the bar below your collarbone for each pull-up to count.

3 Preparation Tips for CrossFit Open 19.5

CrossFit Open

Use these three tips to set yourself up for success in the final Open WOD.

1. Set Chalk On The J Hook

Instead of reaching into the bucket or walking across the gym for chalk, put a small piece on the J hook (rack) on the rig next to your pull-up bar. This will save precious seconds.

2. Gear Up

crossfit 2019

Bust out all the gear you have for this one to help you get through. Knee wraps or knee sleeves and hand grips are essential. This workout is designed to blow out your legs, shoulders, and grip. The last thing you want to worry about is a ripped callus or not being able to accelerate up from a squat because of knee tightness.

3. Mentally Prepare–This One’s Going To Suck

Like most years final Open WOD, this Fran-on-Steroids workout is designed to crush you. The weight is light and the movements are manageable enough that you shouldn’t fail often.

If you do, you’ll recover with enough time to finish.

They gave this WOD a 20-minute time cap to give people incentives to finish no matter how hard it gets.

Embrace the suck and finish strong!

Tips For Maximizing Your Open 19.5 Score

Crossfit games

Here are a few tips to maximize your score on Open WOD 19.5. Use them and you’ll beat the guys and gals at your box who go all out from “3-2-1 GO!”.

1. Don’t Pace This WOD Like Fran

It’s tempting to think of this WOD like Fran because the movements are the same.

Keep in mind that Fran is 90 total reps and CrossFit Open WOD 19.5 is 210 reps. You’ll do two whole Fran workouts before you’re done and be required to get higher with the chest to bar pull-ups.

In fact, to even do Fran as prescribed, you must do 120 reps first.

Don’t go all out on the first two rounds. If you’ve done Fran, you know the key to a good score is going unbroken on the first round of 21.

If you go unbroken with 33 thrusters you might be pumped, but you’ll also be fried. Good luck gripping the bar.

Keep your breath under control and breathe rhythmically for the 33 and 27 rounds. Survive these and then all that’s left is Fran.

2. Breathe In As The Bar Comes Down On Thrusters

crossfit breathing

There is no real place to hide and recover in this workout, but if there is, it’s during thrusters.

Getting your breath under control on a pull-up bar is impossible, so you’ll need to lower your heart rate during thrusters to give yourself a chance at a good score.

Exhale as the bar goes to lockout. As your counter gives you a rep, inhale deeply as the bar descends and you drop down for the next squat. Keep this going for the whole workout.

3. Only Do This WOD Once

19.5 is a one-and-done workout. You’ve worked your butt off over the last five weeks, so don’t worry about squeaking out a few extra reps on this one if you don’t get a great score.

Chances are you will be feeling this one for a day or two anyway, so it’s not worth it.

Let that be an incentive to get it done and get a great score on your one attempt.

Congratulations! The 2019 Open Is Over

Another year, another CrossFit Open in the books. How did you do? Were these guides helpful?

If you’re motivated to hit the gym harder now that the Open is over, check out Athletic Muscle’s WOD guides and equipment tips on the blog so you can start getting ready for the next CrossFit Open!